Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Years Later...

Hey! Little update for those that may check this out of pure boredom.

Getting married May 16, I'm living in MJ now, and working at Timmies for the time being. The guild finally got KJ down on our last raid night, was really fun and I'm so glad I could be a part of it. My work times have made it so that I was neglecting my guildmates, but I finally got days in time for the new expansion, Wrath of the Lich king.

I went to a cousin's wedding, it was beautiful, but I contracted some form of sniffilus on the Friday, making the whole weekend a shitty ordeal for me. I am calling in sick tomorrow, as working at a coffee place handling food while blowing my nose and sneezing doesn't bode well for my conscience and my health, although i felt a need to infect as many customers as possible that probably infected me with their dirty money.

Not sure if I'm doing the midnight launch as we registered in Regina, thinking that I'd still be living there =P. I am going wedding dress shopping on Friday so that should be fun as long as all this NeoCitron does something for my cold. Planning my wedding party is more complicated than I first thought, seeing how I have mostly guy friends, and Perry has 2 brothers, my bridesmaid section is looking quite bare. But that's a dilemna for another time.

Well, I'll see you guys later! Maybe I'll work on my wedding invitations tomorrow, I have the design finished and all the necessary tools. I'll be sure to upload a pic if I do =).