Thursday, October 11, 2007

WoW is IRL

Since I can't remember email addresses, I promised a guildy I'd post pics of some shirts he sent us from Florida (in a WoW box no less). Not the sexiest pics but it's what I've got. Just for you, Ryan lol!
(He may have just frostshocked you!)

(see look...druid antlers!)

Also word out to my homies in BC!


j.k.a said...

OOOooo...I likey the shirts....:)

I can't wait to see you guys..I'm trying to find a way to sneak you back here to see Trav...

if you have any ideas let me

Mike Hawke said...

Yea nice shirts! U guys rock - at first i could not tell if it was your toons - i was too stunned from the frost shock and those out Blizzard!

Thanks for the post...