Friday, August 24, 2007

White Hat Down

Mondie has officially retired her shiney white hard hat. This is my last day of my last year here at Mosaic Potash. It was good times, fun times, and long boring times, but good money was had by all. Had to do one last doodle of Mondie before I head back home. I really didn't doodle this much at home, but then again, you should see the margins of my schoolbooks. I've only gotten flak for it once heheh.
I went out for lunch 3 times this week, nice. I got all my little jobs done so there really isn't much for me to do except do some browsing, posting etc.
Next week I will be buying schoolbooks, shopping with my mom, and visiting Perry's newborn niece in Winnipeg. I won't get back until the first day of school, so busy busy! I have an eye appointment too, I know I need glasses, I've been becoming blind over the years and I suppose it's time for me to conform and get some sort of prescription ;D. I don't know how long it'd take for me to get used to them, since I barely even wear sunglasses (due to me losing them all the time). Oh well. New stuff is fun.
Catch you guys online ;D.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Network Down

Yah I had no network all morning. I couldn't access files or the net for a while... so i just sat and doodled in paint. This guy is the only one who got colored though, so I thought I'd share lol.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Yet another sig

And it's only been a couple days with the dang bird! =)

Oh well, I know I'll still use my beloved bunny sigs!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Meet Griff

So yup we officially have a budgie now. Anywho, our little half-griffin was a free flying resident in Moose Jaw. My grandmother had a budgie she kept in a cage while she had coffee out on her porch every morning. She took her budgie (caged) out with her for company. For the past month or so this Blue budgie (Griff) has been landing on the cage and just happy as can be. Now that it's starting to get cool in the evenings, she's been getting worried about the bird (and not wanting another bird) asked if I would catch and keep him. So I agreed to. He is very very talkative- I swear he mimics 20 wild birds- but hasn't been finger trained (or chose to forget it ;D)

So I guess he's my new project. I'm just going to get him used to hands in his cage for a while. He actually could care less until I stick a finger out and tell him "Up". Then he jumps to a different perch, and back again. If you stick your face close to the cage, he'll jump right to ya to get a better look. I can kiss him on the beak and the most he'd do is gently nibble back, sometimes he just sits there curious to what I'm doing.

My favorite thing is watching him go bizerk in the mirror though, it's comical and cute.

Noob is on my parents farm at the moment. His year of terror has come to a close on our appartment, and it smells a lot nicer ;D. If Griff is a good bird he'll be getting a new cage for Christmas. I still have to go out and buy him some proper food and toys. Should be fun times ^^.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bad Drivers

I participate in a carpool. By participate I mean sleep 3/4 of the month when it isn't my turn to drive the rest of my coworkers to work.

Well I woke up in a relatively energetic/good mood last day. So I thought I'd save my neck and stay awake for the 35min car ride to work at 6:15 am. Because I'm usually asleep I really didn't realize how bad of a driver one of them was.

Turning right at a red light, she was inches away from creaming a guy on a bike. Enough to make the 2 half asleep men in the back shout out WOAH! She apologizes and keeps driving. The whole way to work she stays in the passing lane, lets cars pass her, and then she passes them 5 min later....but never switches back and ends up slowing down again, forcing people to pass in the wrong lane.


On the way home, there is heavy traffic leaving the plant. Looking both ways before turning onto the highway, she forgot another valuable place to look... forward. Again, waking the passengers from their sleepy bliss to shout STOP!! She giggles and says "sorry, I'm a scary driver." (I agree silently) Now to any other driver on the highway, her driving definatly was worrying. She was swerving across the lanes, onto the rumblestrip, back the other way, etc. because she was texting on her cell phone the entire trip back. Fun times. I thought we'd get pulled over for what appeared to be drunk driving =P. Well we get back into town and she pulls up to a light. We intend to turn left and she misses the arrow due to traffic, no worries, we'll go when it's yellow right? Well she pulls halfway into the intersection, like one should, but when the light turns yellow...then red. She doesn't turn! Now the other cars are trying to go around her... she says " I guess I'm a bit far out" and starts backing up. Why didn't she just finish the turn!? That's legal. Backing up is not! It's a pet peeve of mine heh. Well she makes the turn next time (wide at that...all her turns usually end up in the other lane, even though she has a tiny car. I find it amusing when cars in the oncoming lane have to stop because she on their side...) and stops at the first house to drop one guy off. In the middle of the road she stops dead. This road has traffic too. She drops the rest of us off again, in the middle of the road... I had to wait because cars were coming lol. I was scared I was going to get hit! It's not like there aren't places to pull over, both streets are always empty of cars, she just chooses to not pull up.

There are some other stories, but I think you gathered the jist of my rant.

L2Drive people! No one is perfect but... my god.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More Paint Guys

This one was for a card. My coworker had a baby so I themed my picture as such =)

The next one is Seymore, my raid leader's dog heheh.

Not much new. Had a Big Bike Race for the Heart and Stroke foundation at work today. We raised $38,500 so that's cool =). I only have another week left of work and then I'm done. School starts soon and I can barely contain myself with excitement (warning:may have contained some sarcasm). A few days to myself will be nice, and school (the first 2 weeks) is always a welcome change.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What I Do at Work

(and probably shouldn't be) EDIT:- added one from today, da piggy!-

They just gave me photoshop to edit some Potash core pictures. But. I'm done that now. Wouldn't want photoshop to go to waste! =)