Friday, August 24, 2007

White Hat Down

Mondie has officially retired her shiney white hard hat. This is my last day of my last year here at Mosaic Potash. It was good times, fun times, and long boring times, but good money was had by all. Had to do one last doodle of Mondie before I head back home. I really didn't doodle this much at home, but then again, you should see the margins of my schoolbooks. I've only gotten flak for it once heheh.
I went out for lunch 3 times this week, nice. I got all my little jobs done so there really isn't much for me to do except do some browsing, posting etc.
Next week I will be buying schoolbooks, shopping with my mom, and visiting Perry's newborn niece in Winnipeg. I won't get back until the first day of school, so busy busy! I have an eye appointment too, I know I need glasses, I've been becoming blind over the years and I suppose it's time for me to conform and get some sort of prescription ;D. I don't know how long it'd take for me to get used to them, since I barely even wear sunglasses (due to me losing them all the time). Oh well. New stuff is fun.
Catch you guys online ;D.

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