Tuesday, September 4, 2007


My bird is very active heh. He especially loves our mouths, giving kisses, and stealing whatever we eat/drink! Seriously he's a jealous bird.

Perry was drinking pop and he flew over and tried to get some too, I quickly caught the shot ;D. He does this with everything, cereal, juice, chips, you name it and he is there ;D.

Here is a pic!

Silly bird!


j.k.a said...

I didn't know what I was more excited about when I saw this picture, that it's our first 'perry sighting' since we let, or that I finally get to see what Griff looks like...lol!

Unknown said...

Awwww <3

Anonymous said...

Thats too funny.. the pic didn't come thru so i can just imagine. The company laptop needs updating i guess...but i will try access it at home.
