Friday, September 14, 2007

The Glasses!

Yup, I'm wearing glasses now. Apparently I've been driving illegally without them for quite some time. Oh well. I've finally gotten used to them, they were making me sick/ dizzy every time I moved my head. Sucked. But yah, they are fun accessories. Perry also got some new glasses, and he's looking studly. I just don't have a pic of them yet.

And here is one of Griff helping Dot the noob healer, heal ;D.


j.k.a said...

OOOOO! /sexy :)

glute-man said...

mmmm. look at those......HANDS!

so sexy. gamers hands.

Amber said...

I'll be sure to tell Dot you like his hands =)

glute-man said...

Gaaahhh..... hands are sexy hands, I guess

Anonymous said...

Thats got to be the coolest epic bird around. Does Dot use Oil of Olay?

Hey at least you don't look dorky with your glasses and more importantly can drive safely!
