Wednesday, January 31, 2007


It's my favourite day of the week of a week old tradition! That's right I'm talking about B&G night! No, not battlegrounds, no not boy and girl.... Beauty and the Geek! It is a show Perry and I were watching and when we found out our friends watched it to we go over and watch it with them! Don't forget the awful American Idol auditions which follow =). I guess I just get excited for social that such a bad thing?

Oh I also found a blog/book that quotes "No one cares about what you had for dinner" or something like that (that's right, I didn't look twice). The only reason I'm writing a blog is so people do know what I ate for dinner (taco salad btw). I really don't have much "meaningful" or insightful stories and quips for anyone to read, I'd much rather talk about pointless things and let my friends or family know what I've been up to.

Already had a midterm in Anthropology. Time's cruising, only 2 months left. Birthdays coming up =D. I really really want a haircut, I have never had my hair colored/ streaked at a beauty salon. I've never had a manicure. Hell I've never done a lot of things but god dang it I want a nice hair cut on my birthday. Weird the things we start wanting as we grow older, especially Christmas gifts I find. We just used a Walmart gift card for groceries heh.... oh well.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What is up when I'm down.

I keep having this reoccuring dream about math class, how I keep neglecting doing homework. I have not done math for over 2 1/2 years, but I can see the neglect part reflecting RL. Last night I dreamed that I went on a trip to Saskatoon (or elsewhere...think it ended up being Banff) on a Tuesday morning. I knew I had a test on Wednesday in math and the teacher would fail me if I didn't get a written letter.... yah ... pretty boring dream so I'll stop there.

I think I'm telling myself to stop being a loser and to sit down and study... I do have a test wednesday. I may be a 69, but I don't want my marks to be that low either. =P

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I met someone on Myspace that is a concept artist... from Regina too! So that was cool. Anyways, he sent me some links to check out and they are pretty cool. Thought I'd share them. Also on the concept art forums, they give random topics to draw/paint/whatever that I just don't submit, but it gets your brain thinking.

This site has more 3D work, but still has 2D as well =D . Very cool.

Incase you are super sensitive, there is a good chance some artists portray the nude or crude, just a precaution.

Burning up my Time

This Burning Crusade is everything I hoped it would be, which only makes it even more addictive. I hate it! Grrr. I don't do anything I want to get done even moreso than before. But it is a lot of fun....

Thats where I am right now, playing it up. No new blogs for j00.


Perry has tagged me from his blog, so now I have to say 6 random facts about myself.

1. I will get up to brush my teeth if I forget, even if I was half asleep.
2. I have played 92 days of WoW since March 1st 2006-ish.
3. Phonecalls at night usually trigger me to sleepwalk.
4. My socks never match.
5. I usually get tipsy after 2 drinks.
6. I enjoy French a lot. My character "Mondie" initially was MonDieu (omg in French), but it was taken.

As for tagging, only person I know that may read this would be Ramphada here.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Cute Enough?

Thought I'd post more of my beloved bunny. Do you think any of these come close to cuteoverload material?


Yup, it was -43°C today (that is pretty much the same temperature in Fahrenheit). It was actually -30°C but with the windchill it "felt" like -43°C. At times like these you don't expect to leave the house much, in a vehicle anyways (unless you were smart and plugged it in for 4 hours =P) It wasn't a pleasant day to walk to school... and I won't complain much more about that.

I learned how to do oxy-acetylene welding in sculpture today. Being the keener I am, I am going to get some one on one help early next class to learn how to arc weld as well. So I'm fairly excited to learn that new tool.

Burning Crusade is coming out Monday at midnight, but I have to do a 20min presentation at 9am Tuesday. I suspect a lousy one haha. Oh my priorities.

I'm off to make burgers and play WoW.

Beary Cute

Morning. I think I may be getting use to getting up early. Bed is so dang confortable (except when I need to sleep) that I miss spending as much time as possible in it. What is this thing called morning or breakfast??

Anyways I figured I'd post a pic of a portion of my final ceramic project from last semester. It's stoneware, not meant for sculpting as I found out, but can be fired at a high temperature (which I didn't even use the glazes for). I use acrylics on it just because I'm a bum.
So yah, he isn't very big, the second half of this project was Mondie, but she didn't turn out very well and I haven't put much effort into making her look good. But this baby druid in bear form is cute, except for the symbol on his arm. This is what I get for doing things out of memory. I knew there would be a few things not quite right. Who needs was only a final project =P.
I learn how to weld today in sculpture, my first project is something with rebar, but I don't know what yet. I guess I'll keep you updated =).

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

n00b Hates the Spotlight

I wanted to show you guys my beloved pet n00b, but he just hates getting his pictures taken! Here is the result of most pictures I attempted to take. He kept pulling on the camera cord rather than sitting still.

Unfortunatly for him his attacks on my digicam
were in vain, and he still looks cute in his partials =). He enjoys most cords, socks, and a good scratch on his nose.

Here is a picture of him attacking my sock whilst I take pictures in vain.

Oh well, I still think this stinker is cute =).

Beep Beep Beep

It's my first early day (of 3 per week) and let's see how I fair shall we. It was 7:45 am, a bit different than 1 pm. I have Painting 440 and Sculpture 250? today. (both 3hr classes)

I just scared myself. When filling out my schedule i put my morning classes at 8:30am.. meaning I'd have to get my shit together ASAP... At least that would wake me up.

Yesterday I had Anthropology 100, study of culture. I think it should prove to be a decent course. The other class I have is Wednesday morning, Art theory and Critism 301 (3hr class). Sounds like a dry and heavy class...but you never know.

School has started once again, and I'm not even prepared yet haha.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Crash and Burn-ing Crusade

Looks like the 2 orders of WoW:BC we pre-ordered months ago have been cancelled on EB's behalf. No fun stuff for this crushed fan.

New Blog

Hey there. I was kind of bored so I started working on this blog thing. It'll probably crash and burn like all my others, because I am too lazy to regularly update such a spot. I'll post random things, links, images, stories etc. as I find them.
