Thursday, January 11, 2007


Yup, it was -43°C today (that is pretty much the same temperature in Fahrenheit). It was actually -30°C but with the windchill it "felt" like -43°C. At times like these you don't expect to leave the house much, in a vehicle anyways (unless you were smart and plugged it in for 4 hours =P) It wasn't a pleasant day to walk to school... and I won't complain much more about that.

I learned how to do oxy-acetylene welding in sculpture today. Being the keener I am, I am going to get some one on one help early next class to learn how to arc weld as well. So I'm fairly excited to learn that new tool.

Burning Crusade is coming out Monday at midnight, but I have to do a 20min presentation at 9am Tuesday. I suspect a lousy one haha. Oh my priorities.

I'm off to make burgers and play WoW.

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