Wednesday, January 31, 2007


It's my favourite day of the week of a week old tradition! That's right I'm talking about B&G night! No, not battlegrounds, no not boy and girl.... Beauty and the Geek! It is a show Perry and I were watching and when we found out our friends watched it to we go over and watch it with them! Don't forget the awful American Idol auditions which follow =). I guess I just get excited for social that such a bad thing?

Oh I also found a blog/book that quotes "No one cares about what you had for dinner" or something like that (that's right, I didn't look twice). The only reason I'm writing a blog is so people do know what I ate for dinner (taco salad btw). I really don't have much "meaningful" or insightful stories and quips for anyone to read, I'd much rather talk about pointless things and let my friends or family know what I've been up to.

Already had a midterm in Anthropology. Time's cruising, only 2 months left. Birthdays coming up =D. I really really want a haircut, I have never had my hair colored/ streaked at a beauty salon. I've never had a manicure. Hell I've never done a lot of things but god dang it I want a nice hair cut on my birthday. Weird the things we start wanting as we grow older, especially Christmas gifts I find. We just used a Walmart gift card for groceries heh.... oh well.

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