Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Meet Griff

So yup we officially have a budgie now. Anywho, our little half-griffin was a free flying resident in Moose Jaw. My grandmother had a budgie she kept in a cage while she had coffee out on her porch every morning. She took her budgie (caged) out with her for company. For the past month or so this Blue budgie (Griff) has been landing on the cage and just happy as can be. Now that it's starting to get cool in the evenings, she's been getting worried about the bird (and not wanting another bird) asked if I would catch and keep him. So I agreed to. He is very very talkative- I swear he mimics 20 wild birds- but hasn't been finger trained (or chose to forget it ;D)

So I guess he's my new project. I'm just going to get him used to hands in his cage for a while. He actually could care less until I stick a finger out and tell him "Up". Then he jumps to a different perch, and back again. If you stick your face close to the cage, he'll jump right to ya to get a better look. I can kiss him on the beak and the most he'd do is gently nibble back, sometimes he just sits there curious to what I'm doing.

My favorite thing is watching him go bizerk in the mirror though, it's comical and cute.

Noob is on my parents farm at the moment. His year of terror has come to a close on our appartment, and it smells a lot nicer ;D. If Griff is a good bird he'll be getting a new cage for Christmas. I still have to go out and buy him some proper food and toys. Should be fun times ^^.



j.k.a said...

OH MY GOSH! Welcome to the family little Griff...I'm so happy you have a little birdie of your own now, he can be friends with Gus when you guys move out here. :D

We miss you guys. /cry

Amber said...

Doesn't Gus and Griff just go together? I think we took that into account lol. Plus they are both blue! ;D.

Gotta love random pets thrown at ya =)