Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On the Mond

The title was an actual typo, but i didn't fix it. "On the Mind", referring to thinking about wow, and i seem to have started to type Mondie... Yah... I'm pretty sure WoW is on my brain at work!

Just a quick sketch of kitty form!

I think the partial to blame here is that I didn't get enough WoW in my system yesterday (despite staying up past my bedtime). The awful patch caused probably millions of players to lose aquired items, especially through the AH, to disappear upon zoning, trading, or logging out. Blizz did not sympathize and did not restore (probably 95%) of people's items. I remember last patch I had DE'd all of my T1 and other random bank stuff, only to find upon a restart that all... ALL of the shards and the items that were de'd gone. No sympathy from the GM's.

I recieved a company e-mail message from a Senior Systems Engineer in Florida today. I figured, oh great another mis-directed e-mail message. I opened it anyways, only to have it state "LF1M Stockades". Small world that 2 of my guildies found me on the company mailing list, turns out they work at the same company I do. Wow....

The weather was depressing all day. RAIN rain and more rain. And I also here back home, it's snowing. Yay.... I also wrote the temperature on my whiteboard at 7am (as is my custom), 7, high of 8. Brrr. At noon, I check the weather again. Weather changed to 5degrees, dropping to 4. Since when does the "High" of the afternoon go lower than what it was at 7am in the morning ><. It's been like this all week. It's not only rainy and cold, but also windy as hell! Up to 50km! That's not extreme, but when it's constant all week it's pretty dang annoying.

At least I had some odd company e-mails and an adorable picture of Perry pouting (tot and present) that kept me feeling good heh. Plus I got my paycheck today and income tax return today... doesn't get much better.

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