Friday, May 18, 2007


I figure it couldn't hurt to have a snoogems post on here.

Perry and I have been together almost 3 1/2 years now, which I think is really awesome. What is depressing is that it seems everyone I know or hear about is breaking up around the 3-4 year mark. Is there some special reason? I know personally I would never dream of breaking it off with my snoogems, not even when I have PMS. Seriously, you would have to be an idiot to hold a suspicion or feeling of dislike for so long before breaking it off (except in the circumstance of reason, like cheating). Are they waiting for a new prospect first? Are they too lazy and hey, extra nice gifts around Christmas are nice?

So yah, Perry is stuck with me until he finds a better girlfriend =P. He is my snoogems, and I couldn't ask for a better guy. Especially since we are both special (read: stupid).

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