Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Work Break

I've finished my filing for today, made some forms, and even made the bulletin board look "pretty". My workplace promotes employee wellness, so I do the 35 min walk at lunch with my coworkers. I haven't been "speed-walking" in a while, and I am sore from yesterday, and today wasn't much better. I'll have to get Perry to give me a massage >=D.

I had to spiffy up very boring presentations with some humor. The presentations were mostly graphs and statistics, so I threw in some funny equations and math humor, my favorite being this one here.
Once again, I don't have anything productive to do, as I did most of it during my first week. Soon though, I'm going to have to do some Microsoft Project stuff, all graphs and charts, kind of annoying but at least takes effort to complete, rather then mindless typing. I actually enjoy working and keeping busy, its when I'm allowed to slack off that the day goes slow, I feel unproductive, and I get grumpy. I also hate tasks that rely on the help/effort of other employees here, as they are really busy and often my "mediocre" tasks get overlooked and put aside, leaving me again with nothing to do. Last year my boss wrote on the weakness column that I needed to be more forward in getting tasks done from other employees. I pestered them daily. I figured that was enough, and they usually didn't do it until the last minute anyways. Sigh. I even moved, organized, and relabeled 10 filing cabinets into 5 (yes I packed them really tight because they were old, had an inch of dust, and never get used). The empty ones were supposed to be moved out of the building to make it seem less cramped for the "Tour" coming though (they just judge us every way possible basically). Never happened even though I emptied more than they expected. I'm sure it will eventually, but seriously, it was my only task with a due date.
Oh, and my router blew up, so no T.V. or internet for a while apparently. Yay.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No you're doing it all wrong you have to walk up all normal and be like "Can you help me with this" and if they say "I'll do it later" you pull out a switch blade and say "NO you'll fucking do it right now."

.......Or not