Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Soul Capturing Dinner Treats

Just a note to read Perry's Blog (link to the left, by the sexy pouty pic).

(EDIT: Added quick doodle!)

Quote of the day " Hard work never killed anybody, but why give it a chance?"

So it's another week, well, if you can call it that. I had monday and this friday off =). Three day week ftw? I swear I wouldn't talk about WoW, but whatever. The patch hits today so I'm told and I'm excited. Mind you I'll be 5-6 hours behind everyone else playing because I'm at work all day. I was going to get groceries but I am sure we can muster another day or two >=D. I am really excited for epic flight form. I have read all the quest lines and they don't sound too horrid. I will be dragging my hun along with me, so he can not check out the new content...well.. until I'm content! Well I shouldn't be so harsh...he'll beat me. Plus he brings me subs from work made tastey just for me. He may poison them and I wouldn't notice because I basically inhale them. I don't think there will be too many epic birds right off because of the requirements of 5k gold and revered with lower city, so hopefully I'll have a head start there =). The quest line also gives me a 10% speed boost trink, so I don't have to buy a riding crop either (150g ish). CHa CHINg!

What's nice is that when one of us (seems like me mostly) is away from home on a patch day, the other will log on and get the patch downloaded. It's nice so that when I get home I can just play and not wait an hour for the patch to go.

I just hope Perry feels like playing tonight. He's been feeling WoW stingy lately (omg who could get sick of staring at a computer screen for 6+ hours!?!?!?) Go Patch!

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