Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blogging is for the Interesting

Often this is the case with Perry and I. To tell you the truth, not much has happened since Perry's Birthday Post. I can tell you I've been low on moola, but now that I've started work I should be able to get all that back into order.
I had an interesting conversation about friends last night. It's fairly true to both of us. Perry was telling me about how he, like his dad, didn't like making friends because they were used to moving around a lot and this means losing their friends repeatedly. I know I lost my MooseJavian friends to Calgary, as did Perry. I think I seriously just stopped trying to maintain contact between most individuals.
I think that is why I'm so addicted to WoW. I love the social aspect of the game, meeting new people, and knowing they will always be there. If they move, who cares! They can still meet me online and we can have fun talking and gaming together. I think that's why I join more random groups (pugs) and hope that they use programs like vent so I can talk to them. I really enjoy meeting new people, and its a shame I can't apply that to real life. I also have a distrust too, like everyone hates me. I just realized that must be there to prevent me from getting attatched to people I really like. Seriously. Can you imagine Ramphada secretly hating me popping over for visits with Perry? Maybe she does....but that's just me hehe.
Why am I so weird? Hmm this post sounded more emo than intended.


Unknown said...

Well clearly I don't think you're weird cause I'm in the same situation. We kind of knew this would happen. I mean people tell stories all the time about how they just drifted appart after high school and everyone moved away so I was pretty ready for it, having to ditch at least 3 groups of friends.

Not to mention the fact that all of the people we hang out with are smart and are going places in life so they move.

I have lived in this province for longer than any provice in my entire life. So while I've grown attatched to Sask, moving is still something I want to do.

Amber said...

YAh, all the cool kids are doing it...

Unknown said...

All the cool kids you say?