Thursday, October 11, 2007

WoW is IRL

Since I can't remember email addresses, I promised a guildy I'd post pics of some shirts he sent us from Florida (in a WoW box no less). Not the sexiest pics but it's what I've got. Just for you, Ryan lol!
(He may have just frostshocked you!)

(see look...druid antlers!)

Also word out to my homies in BC!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


ϗαιρe. μη αργοϛ ισθι.
(Rejoice! Don't be lazy!)

Thought I'd do some Greek, most people like to see how their name is spelled in different languages. Not all sounds/letters are represented with the Greek alphabet, but if you are curious I'll hack it out for ya. Here are some anonymous names >=D

Αμϐερ -Amber
Δαρσι -Darcy

Περρι -Perry
Ραιν- Ryan
Τραϕιϛ -Travis

ει αργοϛ. (pronounced: ay argose) - you are lazy.

εϛτιν ισϗυρος αλλα καλοϛ. (pronounced: estin isk-oor-ose alla kaylose) -He/she is strong but beautiful

ϕιλώ τoν πονον. (pronounced: pheel-eh tone ponone) -I love work.

Yah i have a Greek test tomorrow... excuse to practice. Reading this stuff in class is amusing too... like "to hurry" sounds like spewday. "to see" is Blippo. yah... "to walk?" Badisday. Fun times... yes... it is a verb quiz....

Sorry you had to read this post lol!

Friday, September 14, 2007


SHOUT OuT TO MY Acquaintance that toleratES MY ComPAny


There you go.

The Glasses!

Yup, I'm wearing glasses now. Apparently I've been driving illegally without them for quite some time. Oh well. I've finally gotten used to them, they were making me sick/ dizzy every time I moved my head. Sucked. But yah, they are fun accessories. Perry also got some new glasses, and he's looking studly. I just don't have a pic of them yet.

And here is one of Griff helping Dot the noob healer, heal ;D.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Griff has his say

Thought I'd record some of the sounds Griff makes. I think I missed one of his click attacks... and sometimes I swear he has an evil laugh, or is whistling at us. Nonetheless this little video covers some of his more popular sounds. If I play this, even in my headset, my bird goes nuts and will fly around the room chirping high pitch lol.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


My bird is very active heh. He especially loves our mouths, giving kisses, and stealing whatever we eat/drink! Seriously he's a jealous bird.

Perry was drinking pop and he flew over and tried to get some too, I quickly caught the shot ;D. He does this with everything, cereal, juice, chips, you name it and he is there ;D.

Here is a pic!

Silly bird!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Photos =D

Cut the talk! Here is the bird behind the name!

Friday, August 24, 2007

White Hat Down

Mondie has officially retired her shiney white hard hat. This is my last day of my last year here at Mosaic Potash. It was good times, fun times, and long boring times, but good money was had by all. Had to do one last doodle of Mondie before I head back home. I really didn't doodle this much at home, but then again, you should see the margins of my schoolbooks. I've only gotten flak for it once heheh.
I went out for lunch 3 times this week, nice. I got all my little jobs done so there really isn't much for me to do except do some browsing, posting etc.
Next week I will be buying schoolbooks, shopping with my mom, and visiting Perry's newborn niece in Winnipeg. I won't get back until the first day of school, so busy busy! I have an eye appointment too, I know I need glasses, I've been becoming blind over the years and I suppose it's time for me to conform and get some sort of prescription ;D. I don't know how long it'd take for me to get used to them, since I barely even wear sunglasses (due to me losing them all the time). Oh well. New stuff is fun.
Catch you guys online ;D.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Network Down

Yah I had no network all morning. I couldn't access files or the net for a while... so i just sat and doodled in paint. This guy is the only one who got colored though, so I thought I'd share lol.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Yet another sig

And it's only been a couple days with the dang bird! =)

Oh well, I know I'll still use my beloved bunny sigs!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Meet Griff

So yup we officially have a budgie now. Anywho, our little half-griffin was a free flying resident in Moose Jaw. My grandmother had a budgie she kept in a cage while she had coffee out on her porch every morning. She took her budgie (caged) out with her for company. For the past month or so this Blue budgie (Griff) has been landing on the cage and just happy as can be. Now that it's starting to get cool in the evenings, she's been getting worried about the bird (and not wanting another bird) asked if I would catch and keep him. So I agreed to. He is very very talkative- I swear he mimics 20 wild birds- but hasn't been finger trained (or chose to forget it ;D)

So I guess he's my new project. I'm just going to get him used to hands in his cage for a while. He actually could care less until I stick a finger out and tell him "Up". Then he jumps to a different perch, and back again. If you stick your face close to the cage, he'll jump right to ya to get a better look. I can kiss him on the beak and the most he'd do is gently nibble back, sometimes he just sits there curious to what I'm doing.

My favorite thing is watching him go bizerk in the mirror though, it's comical and cute.

Noob is on my parents farm at the moment. His year of terror has come to a close on our appartment, and it smells a lot nicer ;D. If Griff is a good bird he'll be getting a new cage for Christmas. I still have to go out and buy him some proper food and toys. Should be fun times ^^.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bad Drivers

I participate in a carpool. By participate I mean sleep 3/4 of the month when it isn't my turn to drive the rest of my coworkers to work.

Well I woke up in a relatively energetic/good mood last day. So I thought I'd save my neck and stay awake for the 35min car ride to work at 6:15 am. Because I'm usually asleep I really didn't realize how bad of a driver one of them was.

Turning right at a red light, she was inches away from creaming a guy on a bike. Enough to make the 2 half asleep men in the back shout out WOAH! She apologizes and keeps driving. The whole way to work she stays in the passing lane, lets cars pass her, and then she passes them 5 min later....but never switches back and ends up slowing down again, forcing people to pass in the wrong lane.


On the way home, there is heavy traffic leaving the plant. Looking both ways before turning onto the highway, she forgot another valuable place to look... forward. Again, waking the passengers from their sleepy bliss to shout STOP!! She giggles and says "sorry, I'm a scary driver." (I agree silently) Now to any other driver on the highway, her driving definatly was worrying. She was swerving across the lanes, onto the rumblestrip, back the other way, etc. because she was texting on her cell phone the entire trip back. Fun times. I thought we'd get pulled over for what appeared to be drunk driving =P. Well we get back into town and she pulls up to a light. We intend to turn left and she misses the arrow due to traffic, no worries, we'll go when it's yellow right? Well she pulls halfway into the intersection, like one should, but when the light turns yellow...then red. She doesn't turn! Now the other cars are trying to go around her... she says " I guess I'm a bit far out" and starts backing up. Why didn't she just finish the turn!? That's legal. Backing up is not! It's a pet peeve of mine heh. Well she makes the turn next time (wide at that...all her turns usually end up in the other lane, even though she has a tiny car. I find it amusing when cars in the oncoming lane have to stop because she on their side...) and stops at the first house to drop one guy off. In the middle of the road she stops dead. This road has traffic too. She drops the rest of us off again, in the middle of the road... I had to wait because cars were coming lol. I was scared I was going to get hit! It's not like there aren't places to pull over, both streets are always empty of cars, she just chooses to not pull up.

There are some other stories, but I think you gathered the jist of my rant.

L2Drive people! No one is perfect but... my god.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More Paint Guys

This one was for a card. My coworker had a baby so I themed my picture as such =)

The next one is Seymore, my raid leader's dog heheh.

Not much new. Had a Big Bike Race for the Heart and Stroke foundation at work today. We raised $38,500 so that's cool =). I only have another week left of work and then I'm done. School starts soon and I can barely contain myself with excitement (warning:may have contained some sarcasm). A few days to myself will be nice, and school (the first 2 weeks) is always a welcome change.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What I Do at Work

(and probably shouldn't be) EDIT:- added one from today, da piggy!-

They just gave me photoshop to edit some Potash core pictures. But. I'm done that now. Wouldn't want photoshop to go to waste! =)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Kinda Creepy

Work is kinda creepy. Especially Cluster checks. Each building has a doorknob with grease, bird shit, something usually nasty on it. Not only that, is that some really really need to be grasped hard and forced open, so not only do my hands get nasty, my shoulder/side does too lol. Okay, we're in the poorly lit building now, most are over 80 decibles (require ear plugs). I walk through about 3-5 spider webs, and birds fly past me out the door. If I have to check the "basement" I usually spot a mouse or two. These pipes all leak a certain amount, leaving crusty crystal formations, mud, and a generally salty musty humid smell. I use my clipboard to fend myself from the cobwebs, although some get past my ingenious defenses.

Sorting out which pipe goes where through the hot dingy musty humid loud and usually dark buildings is not as fun as it sounds ;D.

I also forgot to mention that the floors are just... thin bars, can't remember the wording for it, but you can see the nastiness below you as you walk around too ^^.

Just thought I'd share my insight. =D

Friday, June 29, 2007


My pinky is infected and hurts. No more capitals or p's and such k? It's annoying. kk implementing painless typing, now.

i woke u today to a sore jaw, i must have been grinding my teeth or something strange. not really sure. no gutter jokes, but its been buggin me all week. cra i cant hit enter either. i am so ready for the weekend, i have ssc, free time, and then going to the jaw to get drunk with me folks and watch fireworks. hoefully my new comuter comes on monday or tuesday, im retty umed about it. it has 360 gb harddrive, 7200geforce video card, 2gb ram and dual core roccessor. right now i have 80gb harddrive, some radeon iece of shit card, 1.5 gb ram, and an intel celeron. not to mention that it comes with a 19 inch widescreen flat moniter. woot. anyways thought id let you guys know whats new and such. here is a ic of me wanting to go home.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

GUI targets

No I lied, this is not about gui or targets.... Guitars. Perry aquired one from his family over the weekend and is teaching himself to play. So sexy =).

I have to tell stories though. Perry and his cousins went to the after grad party and got pretty sloshed. I watched movies with the folks and we drank at home. I was fast asleep in the armchair when he got back around 6AM. He stumbled to the camper, stripped to his PJ's, couldn't find me so wandered to the house and fell asleep on the rocking chair near me. I awoke to Perry pulling my blanket away from me. I'm like perry, you are sitting on a blanket, this is my blanket, we can't share across the room etc. Since he was so insistant I gave it to him, which promptly fell off when he let go. I took it back and tugged his blanket out from under his bum. He set the folded blanket on his lap and nodded off. I awoke again to perry sitting on the bottom of the reclining chair (which closes it). He promptly fell on his bum and fell asleep on the floor.

I thought it was pretty funny, he obviously doesn't remember, but I recognize sleep-walking when I see it lol. I have never seem him move, just talk in his sleep.

Sorry for going backwards with this post, but on the way to his cousin's grad, we bottomed out my car, knocking both belts off. My car also aquired a nail, rendering it flat. Fun times.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Waiting on the weekend

Hello again! Not much new around these here parts. Work is just as slow as usual, even had time to throw in an inside joke for scorp on the forums.

Aunt Flo came to visit this week and I must say the pain is annoying. I've drugged myself up as much as possible, but i still get back pain, and even my leg muscles cease up. This coupled with a break out every month is just annoying. I wish I had one of them fancy danglin things.

Sorry to be graphic.

I saved all of this weeks work for today. Probably amounted to a good 5 or 6 hours of work (/9) so that's cool. The day went by a lot quicker when i had stuff to do. I have one task left but didn't want to start with only 40 min left in the day.

I got some bad news last night too, my grandmother has cancer and isn't doing so hot, and my brother lost his job and needs a new place to stay/ look for work.

Seriously... if he could do the dishes and clean up after noob, he could live with us for free ><. Regina has to have more job oppertunites than Rosetown.

Another less shitty but still shitty news item is that Perry asked to not work closing shifts for the pure fact he'd literally NEVER see me. Since I go to work before any sane person should be awake, and come home at 5:30pm, he leaves midday and comes home just as I want to go to bed. That's a whole 30min- 1 hour I could see him face to face in a day. Plus if I wanted to quest/ instance with him its pretty much out of the question.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tears of Agony

I hate it. Destest it. "IT" being the urge to sneeze but instead grants you the urge to cry, cringe, sniffle, and keep that stupid expression on your face. All morning now.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On the Mond

The title was an actual typo, but i didn't fix it. "On the Mind", referring to thinking about wow, and i seem to have started to type Mondie... Yah... I'm pretty sure WoW is on my brain at work!

Just a quick sketch of kitty form!

I think the partial to blame here is that I didn't get enough WoW in my system yesterday (despite staying up past my bedtime). The awful patch caused probably millions of players to lose aquired items, especially through the AH, to disappear upon zoning, trading, or logging out. Blizz did not sympathize and did not restore (probably 95%) of people's items. I remember last patch I had DE'd all of my T1 and other random bank stuff, only to find upon a restart that all... ALL of the shards and the items that were de'd gone. No sympathy from the GM's.

I recieved a company e-mail message from a Senior Systems Engineer in Florida today. I figured, oh great another mis-directed e-mail message. I opened it anyways, only to have it state "LF1M Stockades". Small world that 2 of my guildies found me on the company mailing list, turns out they work at the same company I do. Wow....

The weather was depressing all day. RAIN rain and more rain. And I also here back home, it's snowing. Yay.... I also wrote the temperature on my whiteboard at 7am (as is my custom), 7, high of 8. Brrr. At noon, I check the weather again. Weather changed to 5degrees, dropping to 4. Since when does the "High" of the afternoon go lower than what it was at 7am in the morning ><. It's been like this all week. It's not only rainy and cold, but also windy as hell! Up to 50km! That's not extreme, but when it's constant all week it's pretty dang annoying.

At least I had some odd company e-mails and an adorable picture of Perry pouting (tot and present) that kept me feeling good heh. Plus I got my paycheck today and income tax return today... doesn't get much better.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Minefield without Minesweeper

Internet/ Network/ E-mail all went down for a while here at work. No games on the computer (even minesweeper had been removed).

This is what I did >.> It's a dragon thing... I guess. Yah it's a bit deformed but I was having fun with it =). More shading than my average paintdoodles.

Soul Capturing Dinner Treats

Just a note to read Perry's Blog (link to the left, by the sexy pouty pic).

(EDIT: Added quick doodle!)

Quote of the day " Hard work never killed anybody, but why give it a chance?"

So it's another week, well, if you can call it that. I had monday and this friday off =). Three day week ftw? I swear I wouldn't talk about WoW, but whatever. The patch hits today so I'm told and I'm excited. Mind you I'll be 5-6 hours behind everyone else playing because I'm at work all day. I was going to get groceries but I am sure we can muster another day or two >=D. I am really excited for epic flight form. I have read all the quest lines and they don't sound too horrid. I will be dragging my hun along with me, so he can not check out the new content...well.. until I'm content! Well I shouldn't be so harsh...he'll beat me. Plus he brings me subs from work made tastey just for me. He may poison them and I wouldn't notice because I basically inhale them. I don't think there will be too many epic birds right off because of the requirements of 5k gold and revered with lower city, so hopefully I'll have a head start there =). The quest line also gives me a 10% speed boost trink, so I don't have to buy a riding crop either (150g ish). CHa CHINg!

What's nice is that when one of us (seems like me mostly) is away from home on a patch day, the other will log on and get the patch downloaded. It's nice so that when I get home I can just play and not wait an hour for the patch to go.

I just hope Perry feels like playing tonight. He's been feeling WoW stingy lately (omg who could get sick of staring at a computer screen for 6+ hours!?!?!?) Go Patch!

Friday, May 18, 2007


I figure it couldn't hurt to have a snoogems post on here.

Perry and I have been together almost 3 1/2 years now, which I think is really awesome. What is depressing is that it seems everyone I know or hear about is breaking up around the 3-4 year mark. Is there some special reason? I know personally I would never dream of breaking it off with my snoogems, not even when I have PMS. Seriously, you would have to be an idiot to hold a suspicion or feeling of dislike for so long before breaking it off (except in the circumstance of reason, like cheating). Are they waiting for a new prospect first? Are they too lazy and hey, extra nice gifts around Christmas are nice?

So yah, Perry is stuck with me until he finds a better girlfriend =P. He is my snoogems, and I couldn't ask for a better guy. Especially since we are both special (read: stupid).

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I ain't done no nothing

Speaking of stupidness, here is a 100-about me randomness post from Perry's Blog.

100 Random Things
1. How old will you be in five years? 26
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? Tanya, coworker
3. How tall are you? 5'9"
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? Paying off my debts and making new ones!
5. What's the last movie you saw? Hard Candy ...unfortunatly. (psychological)
6. Who was the last person you called? Darcy, because our internet was down and I wanted to come over and use her computer, and perry watch their tv.
7. Who was the last person to call you? Leader Post
8. What was the last text message you received? Probably when Perry was doing army exercises out of town.
9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail? Probably T&D, but Perry usually checks it before I do.
10. Do you prefer to call or text? usually text. I hate phones...i can't just afk to think or stop talking because I don't want to w/o being rude.
11. What were you doing at 12am last night? Sleeping.
12. Are your parents married/divorced? Married
13. When did you last see your mom? April 30.
14. What color are your eyes? Blue
15. What time did you wake up today? 5:39 am
16. What are you wearing right now? jeans, marooon shirt, brown sweater.
17. What is your favorite Christmas song? Carol of the Bells
18. Where is your favorite place to be? Nagrand
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? Anywhere where I'm waiting. I wish i communicated telepathically so that people were always where i needed them to be.
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? Ireland.
21. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? Not in Saskatchewan, probably preggers
22. Do you tan or burn? Mix between the two.
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? My brother liked to play pranks on me, I also though the farm was haunted because of the noises. I soon learned that what i feared was mice and spiders.
24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh? Went to
25. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
26. How big is your bed? queen apparently.
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? Desktop, more powa!
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? I like to switch it up.
29. What color are your sheets? Green
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1 for my head, maybe a teddy for hugging.
31. What is your favorite season? fall.
32. What do you like about fall? The colors, the cool weather, wearing sweaters (less skimpy people wandering around).
33. What do you like about winter? The look of the snow, playing with the snow, Christmas time.
34. What do you like about the summer? Not worrying over whether my car will start.
35. What do you like about spring? Smells, budding leaves.
36. How many states/provinces have you lived in? 1
37. What cities/towns have you lived in? Moose Jaw, Regina.
38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare Feet.
39. Are you a social person? Define Social, online very, otherwise I don't go out of my way.
40. What was the last thing you ate? Pretty plain sandwich for lunch.
41. What is your favorite restaurant? Boston Pizza.
42. What is your favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip
43. What is your favorite dessert? Smoothies
44. What is your favorite kind of soup? Mushroom
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Usually Strawberry
46. Do you like Chinese food? Yupperz
47. Do you like coffee? Indeed
48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? About 3 Litres (I keep an old Star Wars Slurpee cup at work)
49. What do you drink in the morning? Preferrably juice, usually nothing, water or coffee when i get to work.
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? Right
52. Do you know how to play poker? For the most part.
53. Do you like to cuddle? Yes
54. Have you ever been to Canada? Neaavhvhaaa
55. Do you have an addictive personality? Only circumstance is Gaming.
56. Do you eat out or at home more often? Home
58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Perry's is a day before mine.
59. Do you want kids? I want 2 brats.
60. Do you speak any other languages? quelque francaise, et 50m3 1337 sp34k.
61. Have you ever gotten stitches? In my mouth!
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No
63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? I don't like pools, oceans are prettier
64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seats? Never flown if thats the implication.
65. Do you know how to drive stick? I think i did better when i was younger though.
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? Slurpees
67. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? Sometimes my grad ring, usually misplace it.
68. What is your favorite TV show? I really like King of the Hill right now.
69. Can you roll your tongue? No.
70. Who is the funniest person you know? Puns, my dad trumps me anyday.
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? A couple =)
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone? I think it used to be fur elise
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? No heh
74. What red object is closest to you right now? Red pen =/, If i was at home it'd be my red swingline stapler that makes me laugh.
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? Yes
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Open, too much crap on the floor.
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Probably a bear, I hate bees... I think I'd be a good play dead type. Bees freak me right out.
78. Do you flirt a lot? Probably
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Plum Sauce
80. What is your favorite food? Lasagna
81. Can you change the oil on a car? Yes
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? No
83. Have you ever run out of gas? Nope
84. What is your usual bedtime? For the next 4 months, 10:30-11:30
85. What was the last book you read? School Texts
86. Do you read the newspaper? Online.
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No, I'd just read perry's if i was interested.
89. Do you watch soap operas? I used to with my mom.
90. Do you dance in the car? Not that I know of.
91. What radio station did you last listen to? Country 100.
92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you? Ugh, I'm at work, but there is a photo of noob on my desktop!
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? drilling files 20010-20090
94. What is your favorite candle scent? Vanilla or Cinnamon
95. What is your favorite board game? don't like board games much, but I'd prefer Life or Cranium.
96. Have you ever screamed at someone (not words - just a scream) in a public place, just for the sake of it? And if so - was is someone you knew or just a random stranger? No
97. Last time you attended church? Ummm... for an actual mass? Probably like 3-4 years ago when Rod did his first mass.
98.Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Mr. Dirkson
99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent? Probably about a week.
100. Who was the last person to do something extra special for you? Perry makes me dericious subs for me so i have something to scarf down when i get home from work.

Work Break

I've finished my filing for today, made some forms, and even made the bulletin board look "pretty". My workplace promotes employee wellness, so I do the 35 min walk at lunch with my coworkers. I haven't been "speed-walking" in a while, and I am sore from yesterday, and today wasn't much better. I'll have to get Perry to give me a massage >=D.

I had to spiffy up very boring presentations with some humor. The presentations were mostly graphs and statistics, so I threw in some funny equations and math humor, my favorite being this one here.
Once again, I don't have anything productive to do, as I did most of it during my first week. Soon though, I'm going to have to do some Microsoft Project stuff, all graphs and charts, kind of annoying but at least takes effort to complete, rather then mindless typing. I actually enjoy working and keeping busy, its when I'm allowed to slack off that the day goes slow, I feel unproductive, and I get grumpy. I also hate tasks that rely on the help/effort of other employees here, as they are really busy and often my "mediocre" tasks get overlooked and put aside, leaving me again with nothing to do. Last year my boss wrote on the weakness column that I needed to be more forward in getting tasks done from other employees. I pestered them daily. I figured that was enough, and they usually didn't do it until the last minute anyways. Sigh. I even moved, organized, and relabeled 10 filing cabinets into 5 (yes I packed them really tight because they were old, had an inch of dust, and never get used). The empty ones were supposed to be moved out of the building to make it seem less cramped for the "Tour" coming though (they just judge us every way possible basically). Never happened even though I emptied more than they expected. I'm sure it will eventually, but seriously, it was my only task with a due date.
Oh, and my router blew up, so no T.V. or internet for a while apparently. Yay.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blogging is for the Interesting

Often this is the case with Perry and I. To tell you the truth, not much has happened since Perry's Birthday Post. I can tell you I've been low on moola, but now that I've started work I should be able to get all that back into order.
I had an interesting conversation about friends last night. It's fairly true to both of us. Perry was telling me about how he, like his dad, didn't like making friends because they were used to moving around a lot and this means losing their friends repeatedly. I know I lost my MooseJavian friends to Calgary, as did Perry. I think I seriously just stopped trying to maintain contact between most individuals.
I think that is why I'm so addicted to WoW. I love the social aspect of the game, meeting new people, and knowing they will always be there. If they move, who cares! They can still meet me online and we can have fun talking and gaming together. I think that's why I join more random groups (pugs) and hope that they use programs like vent so I can talk to them. I really enjoy meeting new people, and its a shame I can't apply that to real life. I also have a distrust too, like everyone hates me. I just realized that must be there to prevent me from getting attatched to people I really like. Seriously. Can you imagine Ramphada secretly hating me popping over for visits with Perry? Maybe she does....but that's just me hehe.
Why am I so weird? Hmm this post sounded more emo than intended.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Image says it all

I spent a few hours on this card. Thought I may as well share it hehe ;D! Happy Birthday Perry! (I don't care that I'm 33 min early on this.)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


It's my favourite day of the week of a week old tradition! That's right I'm talking about B&G night! No, not battlegrounds, no not boy and girl.... Beauty and the Geek! It is a show Perry and I were watching and when we found out our friends watched it to we go over and watch it with them! Don't forget the awful American Idol auditions which follow =). I guess I just get excited for social that such a bad thing?

Oh I also found a blog/book that quotes "No one cares about what you had for dinner" or something like that (that's right, I didn't look twice). The only reason I'm writing a blog is so people do know what I ate for dinner (taco salad btw). I really don't have much "meaningful" or insightful stories and quips for anyone to read, I'd much rather talk about pointless things and let my friends or family know what I've been up to.

Already had a midterm in Anthropology. Time's cruising, only 2 months left. Birthdays coming up =D. I really really want a haircut, I have never had my hair colored/ streaked at a beauty salon. I've never had a manicure. Hell I've never done a lot of things but god dang it I want a nice hair cut on my birthday. Weird the things we start wanting as we grow older, especially Christmas gifts I find. We just used a Walmart gift card for groceries heh.... oh well.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What is up when I'm down.

I keep having this reoccuring dream about math class, how I keep neglecting doing homework. I have not done math for over 2 1/2 years, but I can see the neglect part reflecting RL. Last night I dreamed that I went on a trip to Saskatoon (or elsewhere...think it ended up being Banff) on a Tuesday morning. I knew I had a test on Wednesday in math and the teacher would fail me if I didn't get a written letter.... yah ... pretty boring dream so I'll stop there.

I think I'm telling myself to stop being a loser and to sit down and study... I do have a test wednesday. I may be a 69, but I don't want my marks to be that low either. =P

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I met someone on Myspace that is a concept artist... from Regina too! So that was cool. Anyways, he sent me some links to check out and they are pretty cool. Thought I'd share them. Also on the concept art forums, they give random topics to draw/paint/whatever that I just don't submit, but it gets your brain thinking.

This site has more 3D work, but still has 2D as well =D . Very cool.

Incase you are super sensitive, there is a good chance some artists portray the nude or crude, just a precaution.

Burning up my Time

This Burning Crusade is everything I hoped it would be, which only makes it even more addictive. I hate it! Grrr. I don't do anything I want to get done even moreso than before. But it is a lot of fun....

Thats where I am right now, playing it up. No new blogs for j00.


Perry has tagged me from his blog, so now I have to say 6 random facts about myself.

1. I will get up to brush my teeth if I forget, even if I was half asleep.
2. I have played 92 days of WoW since March 1st 2006-ish.
3. Phonecalls at night usually trigger me to sleepwalk.
4. My socks never match.
5. I usually get tipsy after 2 drinks.
6. I enjoy French a lot. My character "Mondie" initially was MonDieu (omg in French), but it was taken.

As for tagging, only person I know that may read this would be Ramphada here.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Cute Enough?

Thought I'd post more of my beloved bunny. Do you think any of these come close to cuteoverload material?


Yup, it was -43°C today (that is pretty much the same temperature in Fahrenheit). It was actually -30°C but with the windchill it "felt" like -43°C. At times like these you don't expect to leave the house much, in a vehicle anyways (unless you were smart and plugged it in for 4 hours =P) It wasn't a pleasant day to walk to school... and I won't complain much more about that.

I learned how to do oxy-acetylene welding in sculpture today. Being the keener I am, I am going to get some one on one help early next class to learn how to arc weld as well. So I'm fairly excited to learn that new tool.

Burning Crusade is coming out Monday at midnight, but I have to do a 20min presentation at 9am Tuesday. I suspect a lousy one haha. Oh my priorities.

I'm off to make burgers and play WoW.

Beary Cute

Morning. I think I may be getting use to getting up early. Bed is so dang confortable (except when I need to sleep) that I miss spending as much time as possible in it. What is this thing called morning or breakfast??

Anyways I figured I'd post a pic of a portion of my final ceramic project from last semester. It's stoneware, not meant for sculpting as I found out, but can be fired at a high temperature (which I didn't even use the glazes for). I use acrylics on it just because I'm a bum.
So yah, he isn't very big, the second half of this project was Mondie, but she didn't turn out very well and I haven't put much effort into making her look good. But this baby druid in bear form is cute, except for the symbol on his arm. This is what I get for doing things out of memory. I knew there would be a few things not quite right. Who needs was only a final project =P.
I learn how to weld today in sculpture, my first project is something with rebar, but I don't know what yet. I guess I'll keep you updated =).

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

n00b Hates the Spotlight

I wanted to show you guys my beloved pet n00b, but he just hates getting his pictures taken! Here is the result of most pictures I attempted to take. He kept pulling on the camera cord rather than sitting still.

Unfortunatly for him his attacks on my digicam
were in vain, and he still looks cute in his partials =). He enjoys most cords, socks, and a good scratch on his nose.

Here is a picture of him attacking my sock whilst I take pictures in vain.

Oh well, I still think this stinker is cute =).

Beep Beep Beep

It's my first early day (of 3 per week) and let's see how I fair shall we. It was 7:45 am, a bit different than 1 pm. I have Painting 440 and Sculpture 250? today. (both 3hr classes)

I just scared myself. When filling out my schedule i put my morning classes at 8:30am.. meaning I'd have to get my shit together ASAP... At least that would wake me up.

Yesterday I had Anthropology 100, study of culture. I think it should prove to be a decent course. The other class I have is Wednesday morning, Art theory and Critism 301 (3hr class). Sounds like a dry and heavy class...but you never know.

School has started once again, and I'm not even prepared yet haha.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Crash and Burn-ing Crusade

Looks like the 2 orders of WoW:BC we pre-ordered months ago have been cancelled on EB's behalf. No fun stuff for this crushed fan.

New Blog

Hey there. I was kind of bored so I started working on this blog thing. It'll probably crash and burn like all my others, because I am too lazy to regularly update such a spot. I'll post random things, links, images, stories etc. as I find them.
